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Plastic pollution is one of the biggest environmental issues of our time. 269.000 tons of plastic float on the surfaces of our oceans.

The Mission

In 2021, we started to engage with MBRC® the ocean. The organization is on a mission to free our waters from waste by organizing beach clean ups, recycling the collected plastic and providing education to local communities.

The Teamwork

During the past years we supported the initiatives of MBRC® the ocean. Focusing on setting up a full waste management system in Indonesia. Here, we share our hands-on mentality. Collecting plastic, teaming up with the locals, raising awareness with our docu series "Portraits of Change".

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The Crucial Difference

As education sets the basis for self-growth, understanding and change, MBRC® the ocean spreads knowledge about plastic and recycling in local communities. To make an impact that lasts.

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